
National best friends day 2021
National best friends day 2021

national best friends day 2021

I’d see her, we’d chat awkwardly about whatever the topic was, then we’d do it again when we saw each other next. We weren’t really friends in the beginning - we saw each other on Zoom a couple of times a week, but we were more like acquaintances. I remember seeing her dog, Kali, on Zoom and, being a big dog person myself, I thought “Ok, she’s alright”.

national best friends day 2021

My initial impression of Maë was this nice, quiet girl-I didn’t really hear her speak except for her answering the regular old “If you were a kitchen appliance, what kitchen appliance would you be?” ice breaker questions. “Maë and I joined AEP around the same time.

national best friends day 2021

One of our students, Veronika Lin from Palo Alto, California, discusses how her and another student, Maë Ciezki from Chula Vista, California, became friends. Veronika Lin Talks Through First Impressions However, with the great tool of the internet and a large goal to connect students who otherwise would not meet, AEP defies odds when students meet and become friends. The students who participate in the AEP hangouts have the opportunity to converse with students from all across the country, this deems these friendships unlikely based on location. These hangouts occur multiple times a week and the topic of conversation varies widely. The American Exchange Project hosts hangouts via Zoom for all of our students. This holiday we are taking time to highlight some of the against-all-odds friendships that have formed here at AEP. Some of these effects include increasing your sense of belonging and purpose, boosting your happiness and reducing your stress, and improving your self-confidence and self-worth. The Mayo Clinic supports the claim that good friendships have beneficial health effects. Why are besties so important that we had to create a holiday for them?Well, as human beings, relationships are key to our existence. It is a day we can share why we love our friends and include our favorite images of them. #NationalBestFriendsDay is a day dedicated to recognizing our friends. Oftentimes we forget to thank those around us for all of the things we appreciate. Although, we don’t need a specific day in order to tell our bestie how much we appreciate them, the holiday is important nonetheless. This holiday gives us the opportunity to acknowledge all of the awesome friendships we have made. National Best Friends Day is celebrated every year on June 8th.

National best friends day 2021